Our History
Five existing economic development organizations in Brooke and Hancock Counties were consolidated to form a single organization dedicated to creating jobs and encouraging economic investment in the northern panhandle. Chartered as a 501-C3 (private, not for profit) organization, the BDC has established Brooke and Hancock Counties as a Certified Development Community. We continue to expand the economic development capabilities within the two counties. Certification shows the business community that the region is prepared for their expansion or relocation.
Our Mission
The BDC is the engine that drives economic development in the Brooke-Hancock Region. By leveraging public and private resources, we are the catalysts for creating and maintaining a diverse economy. The BDC produces the leadership required to stimulate investments and coordinate partnerships to foster the growth of good jobs and enhance the quality of life in the Tri-State region.
Our Work
Brooke and Hancock Counties’ successful industrial legacy resulted in prime land becoming brownfields. The BDC has received state and federal funding for assessment, site remediation and cleanup of many sites that have created opportunities for local, national, and international investment. Although we provide other services, here are some of our site redevelopment successes.