Moving West Virginia forward
The Governor’s initiative is not a theory, it’s a fact. Already in 2017, the expansion and attraction efforts of the West Virginia Department of Commerce has led to 26 new projects, representing $800 million in new capital investment, 600 new jobs and 1,300 retained jobs.
West Virginia’s successes include the attraction of three new companies including: Canadian manufacturer Bidell Gas Compression is bringing 131 jobs to Weirton, WV, national wholesale distributor HT Hackney will employ 70 people in its Milton, WV facility, and Wardensville, WV is the home to 50 new jobs thanks to hi-tech transcription company ASC Services.
We’ve also seen expansions at existing West Virginia companies: Markwest continues to make significant investments in gas infrastructure – spending hundreds of millions, GC Services in Huntington plans to add 150 people, and 100 new manufacturing jobs are coming to Mercer County thanks to Air Dynamics and Elgin.
Gov. Justice recognizes the need to think boldly, stimulate our economy with highway jobs, open our state to outside investment, and support existing businesses while also working to diversify our economy.
West Virginia is at a critical juncture. It’s vital the Legislature provide funding for the Governor’s SOS Fund if we want to have the necessary tools to bring good jobs to the mountain state. This, coupled with funding for the highway stimulus, will result in real, significant progress being made in West Virginia.
The Legislature is right to look for any excesses in state government that can be eliminated. However, if we really think we’re going to stimulate the economy through cuts, we are misguided. Cuts without economic stimulus will only result in a further downward spiral of our economy. You can’t cut your way to prosperity.
West Virginians must answer a simple question: Are we going to settle for last place, watching our families and communities struggling to survive on the remains of the state’s once-thriving coal-based economy, or are we going to step up and do something to start building a new, more diverse economy?
Gov. Jim Justice has the track record and vision to lead West Virginia to a place of prosperity. We should support him. Gov. Justice is tired of being 50th, and so should everybody else in the state of West Virginia.